This is my first complete CD. It is composed of 13 tracks (2 vocals, 11 instrumentals) of electronic ambient based music. Most tracks were composed in Provincetown, MA. on a Mac computer, using the first incarnation of MusicShop program and an XP-50 Roland synthesizer. First released via CD Baby in 2000, I'm proud to finally re-release my this, my Magnum Opus for posterity. All tracks are available for your listening pleasure or for $ale via the Bandcamp link above. Thank you and shout-out to KT (Sophia)...thanks for the bitch-slap you bitch LOL!
This is from the original compact disc (CD) liner notes...
"OCEAN VISIONS was inspired mainly by two summers I spent living and working in P-town, MA in '95 and '96. The beauty of the light, air, sand and ocean all synergized within me to create a deep longing for some mysterious lover I had been searching for my whole life. Though the lover I sought, never appeared (my second season turned into--socially and professionally at least--quite the horror story), nature seemed to draw out of me these melodies and songs. Musically speaking, I wrapped myself up in my own music and quite forgot about the world of men, connecting more with nature. Basically God sang to me, I just wrote down and recorded what I heard.
After most of the songs of the sea, some tracks were composed in the years following, upon my return to Manhattan's East Village. "Hero Worship" is a mediation on my Father, the toll war can take on a man's heart, and the absence of that heart, as experienced by a Son. "Savanna" was inspired by the tiny, northwestern Illinois town where I was born, a paradoxical place of mythical beauty, quintessentially white trash sensibilities, broken dreams and classic Americana.
I dedicate this collection to the Soul of the Orr family and to my eternal search for beauty."