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Gratitude 1-13-25 & The Reason for Prayer...

Writer's picture: Steven OrrSteven Orr

Thank you repeat clients B (Hasidic Jew)--hot and furry) and ferociously handsome, big, Celtic-warrior like, hunky "S" (last time 3 months). Yes! It was fun! I'm so grateful guys; lost my part-time job this past weekend and your work really made my weekend. Absolutely overflowing with gratitude. Now time for a self-release LOL!

But let me emphasize; it's all about pleasing the client first! My needs are secondary.

Eagle last night, music started out good with Cunningham; then the guy who who took over at 10 PM ("FRAME") kinda boring, must have kept same groove going for like 15 minutes. After a while much of the dancing petered out. Couple of moments of shorting out in the sound system too...still worth the price (free before 9). There were a few really really young guys flying around being obnoxious (were they are drugs?), literally (ugh hate that word) running around the dance floor like evil fairys on Krack. Ugh, like an infestation. Where were the big groups of muscle queens?...clumped together in the back rooms upstairs I guess. Watching some real drunks act out on the dance floor and one escorted to the front door by 3 bouncers. I guess the bleak winter brings out some bad energy. I played with a young fella from Morocco. Being in the toilet stall is NOT a place as a rule I go to when a sensual experience is gonna happen with a stranger. But, aah me. I'm not perfect and at least the toilet bowl wasn't disgusting. LOL. Sensual touching in a darkened space, not my style in public but it felt damn good and wicked. Safe so why not? I think at the Eagle is the only place that happens in New York now. How the hell did THAT happen. Thank you cell phone culture and technology for exterminating in person street cruising. Amen. I radically accept that life has changed here and now.

God let me try to be productive today. Nap first now, then gym...Hail Mary.

If any of you anonymous readers are curious as to why I pray a lot in some of my videos here is why. I have been spending more time in various moments of the day doing the Hail Mary's (rosary optional) and the Chaplet's prayer (For the sake his sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world). Because I find that doing micro-praying (quietly or silently) is a good way to release extra energy in a more somatic (mind & body), holistic way. Especially apparent when I'm dealing with loud bothersome or destructive noise (re: why I avoid riding the subway like the plague!). Interesting how praying tends to cancel lots of bad words and negative hard-core thoughts and inner voices. Do I believe in God. It's irrelevent I think because through the power of prayer, whether one believes or not, one contacts the divine Soul in the universe (or at least provides an opening for Higher Power and simple good to expand into one's body mind and experience. I'm coming to believe that beyond the Serenity prayer, organic moments of praying and chanting really o offer a light-worker kind of force/energy to come into my living day-to-day experience.

I can testify to this too, especially living in the urban jungle where lots of folks are carrying around lots of bad energy. Prayer helps counter their depressive and ignorant negativity. It's become my own private secret weapon. When you run into "thug energy" what better way to counter it than that very first phrase "Hail Mary, full of grace" for grace is the opposite of thug energy. Amen.

I'm so grateful to my 91 y.o. (now former) client for introducing me to more a somewhat more spiritual way of life in living here everyday. The city can be so merciless and cold. More reasons to pray. And more; because I am coming face to face with possible danger and death and dying in biking every day on these mean manic streets. And people, well, even though Manhattan is thick with them; just people aren't enough. Prayer provides a kind of spiritual balm the trees would be providing me if I lived in a more natural environment. Which I don't, rats are nature run amuck LOL. Yes my 91 y.o. client changed my life; but even though it was a powerful gift; I will not and cannot wipe your ass, thank you madam. That's the female caretaker's job now (my replacement).

By calling on the Higher Power(s) of Soul, God and Mary to protect me from pernicious influences, energy vampires and chaotic demon types; aka no-shows and nasties--I feel more protected and powerful. One needs divine protection just living here because there is so much shit. If it's not overt, even the simple act of cunts yapping out loud (and men too) spreading noise pollution disturbs the peace of simply sitting in the park. No one cares.

And doing this work, requires extremely "light-giving" energy because there is so much enmeshment with other men's energy. That's the reason I pray. Amen. And again, dear, dear Marcy, even though you did change my life; I'm NOT going to wipe your ass LOL.

What a delight to receive a text from (an alleged) bodybuilder who wants to book for prostate drainage. Ahh oh sacred lust. If only. I'll believe that when I see it. BB like other BB's what the hell are looking my way. Funny I was putzing around today it sudderly occurred to me that the so-called bodybuilder could be some devious-minded cunt catfishing me. Yup. Prayer is constantly called for. You can't take it with you you know. Any of this stuff we fill our lives with...

Steve O

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